Mødedato: 07.03.2023, kl. 15:30
Mødested: Rådhuset, KFU mødesal, 1. sal, værelse 86

V22. Kumulus Morpho

Se alle bilag
Ansøgning fra Sarah Franziska Buchner om 20.000 kr. til 3 forestillinger af "Kumulus Morpho" på Bådteatret.


Kultur- og Fritidsforvaltningen indstiller, 

  1. at udvalget bevilger et tilskud på 6.000 kr. (3 x 2000 kr.)


På grund af en teknisk fejl er der ikke fremstillet en oversigtsblanket for ansøgningen, så den opsummeres i stedet i det følgende. 

Titel: Kumulus Morpho - Sono Figures Soceity. Extended Sound and Puppet Theater

Startdato: 18-04-2023

Slutdato: 20-04-2023

Antal opførsler: 3

Sted: Bådteatret, Nyhavn 16, 1051 København K

Ønsket støttebeløb: 20.000 kr. 

Navne på deltagende kunstnere/grupper: 

SONO FIGURES SOCIETY is the newly founded group of two Copenhagen based artists, performer Marte Røyeng and Sarah Buchner. They met over their shared fascination for contemporary puppet theater experimental sound, aiming to contribute through cross-disciplinary artistic innovation within scene performing arts sound.

Kort projektbeskrivelse: 

«Kumulus Morpho» is a collaborative, cross-disciplinary performance piece created by SONO FIGURES SOCIETY. It will be performed three nights, from the 18.04- 20.04.2023, at Bådteatret i Nyhavn, København Kommune. The an investigation into shift of body perception in philosophy 16th century Europe. Focusing on development perceiving mind and as whole entity, distinction working mechanism that needs to controlled. We understand puppets mechanisms come alive through movement sound. They therefore present perfect medium examine this topic artistically. self-built transform their shape throughout piece, being deconstructed, rearranged, transformed - body, instrument, apparatus. creates peculiar, poetic, searching world with mixtures abstract surreal concrete associations both visual sounding signs gestures. What forces identity continually re-composed puppets? Does sound have power over movements we see, or it other way around?Who has bodies sounds they make?

Kort beskrivelse af formidling: 

The performance is part of the platform Ubåden, where Bådteatret makes their space available for new artistic works and explorative projects professional upcoming artists. The piece targets young adults grown-ups, as well elderly people. created equally inviting Copenhagen's experimental music audience, Copenhagen theater audience. It therefore generates breadth activity in
cultural landscape, through creating to connect different audiences scenes with each other.

The concert targets both a music audience and theater audience, which creates opportunities to promote several different networks within the Copenhagen performing arts scene. Bådteatret participates with PR for performance through their newsletter, website, banner yer, plus Facebook event. We are invited upload promo materials Bådteatret's Instagram prole. Promotion towards print media in public spaces posters, additional advertisement social media, will be carried out by us. event registered online calendars portals via Tereba database.


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